STAND FIRM: The Epic Story of Truth (Part 9) - King and Kingdom Promised, But the Kingdom Was Lost

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STAND FIRM: The Epic Story of Truth (Part 9) - King and Kingdom Promised, But the Kingdom Was Lost

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      How good is your memory? I’ll be testing that today and over the next several articles. We’re not doing a Bible Drill; instead, I’m returning to a series I paused eight weeks ago. (Right here would be a good place to enter that “yikes” emoji!) Before that pause, I had written part eight of this series, The Epic Story of Truth, in which I’m telling the narrative that runs the duration of the Bible and is the very flow of history and the life ahead here on earth.       It is good to ...
The Distraction of Good Things

The Distraction of Good Things

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All The News
by Adrienne Kennedy       Missions itself was an idol in my life, and I didn’t realize that until I went to college. During a student-led service, I went through this list of diagnostic questions to assess my heart:       • Would I give up my family and never see them again in order to obey my call to missions? Would I be able to do it? Would I still respond to the call? The answer was...


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