All The News|BMA of America
Mac Lake to Headline National Meeting Pastor's Conference
By Heidi Sorrells, Pastor Advocate • Healthy Church Solutions
The Healthy Church Solutions team at BMA Global looks forward to praying and planning for the Pastor’s Conference at the national meeting each year. The conference aims to equip and train pastors and church leaders in biblical disciplines and competencies that can be practically used when they get back home. Healthy Church Solutions partners with churches and individuals to provide church health and leader health ...
Gleaners Initiative Announced
By Dr. Jonathan Montgomery, Director • BMA Global Missionary Care
The BMA has an extensive and blessed missions heritage. For longtime supporters of our missions efforts, the word Gleaner is reminiscent of the resource from which missionary stories, news and updates were received. Individuals and families who shared their stories in the Gleaner magazine were highly esteemed and...