All The News
Daniel Springs 2024 Schedule
By Jason Prewitt, Camp Director
Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience at Daniel Springs Baptist Camp (DSBC)! Our purpose is to provide a unique opportunity for all youth to connect with God and experience His presence through prayer, Bible study, small group activities and recreation. Our program is designed to help you grow in your faith and equip you to do the work of your ministry, and our promise is to do everything in our power to bring you closer to a personal ...
Arkansas WMA State Project
By Kelly Williams, Arkansas WMA President
The Arkansas WMA met in November at Central Baptist College and selected the Quillmans and their work in Zambia as our project for the year. We are raising funds to help buy Bibles in the people of Zambia’s own language. Some villages the Quillmans work with have only one Bible for the whole village. Mickael Quillman shared that they could...