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JUST THINKING: Fixing Our Eyes on the Unseen
I was just thinking about an old hymn by Robert E. Winset — “Jesus is Coming Soon.” Here are some lyrics: “Troublesome times are here, filling men’s hearts with fear; Freedom we all hold dear now is at stake. Humbling your hearts to God saves from the chastening rod; Seek the way pilgrims trod, Christians awake.”
I was thinking about the song because, in 1965, I was a member of the Central Baptist College Choir, and Harold Morris, the director of the Harvest Gleaner Hour (now ...
EVERYTHING WE NEED: The Pulpit Committee
A pulpit committee consists of a few people whose responsibility is to find, screen and recommend candidates to fill a pastoral vacancy in their church. I do not know how many churches still do that. I do know some churches ask for resumes instead. Either way should be a matter of prayer and seeking the Lord’s will.
I have never had any dealings with a pulpit committee except...