All The News|Student Ministry Matters
STUDENT MINISTRY: The Need to Say “No”
For those of us in ministry, “no” can be a hard word to say. We want to help and feel that it is our sacred responsibility to be there for the people God has entrusted to us. On top of that, many of us are people pleasers. The problem with that mentality is that we can end up in a place where we have spent all our energy on things that are not at the top of our list. In addition, many of us are motivated “doers” who like to be involved and easily give ourselves over to lots of ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Seasons of Ministry (Part 2)
There are stages we all go through and sometimes endure. These stages enable us to navigate different seasons of the ministry, such as a season of health and growth or sometimes a season of discouragement. Stages are linear, one follows the other, while seasons are cyclical and follow certain patterns. The three stages we have already written about are vision, prayerful planning and...