All The News|CBC Profile
The Central Baptist College Fine Arts Department has several performances, services and concerts planned over the coming months. Mark your calendar and make plans to join us for some of these events:
• Thursday, Oct. 12 — The annual hymn service has been set for Tuesday, Oct. 12, at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. The hymn services are participatory worship services led by the worship choir and accompanied by piano, organ and various student instrumentalists. This year’s theme is 18th ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: The Secret Sauce of Small Churches
I have often wondered who is reading these articles. Is it the youth worker looking for answers, or is it the average church member who is simply concerned about the young people of their church? Either way, we know there is a great need to reach the next generation for Jesus Christ. I try to keep both audiences in mind.
One of the issues that we — both youth workers and church...