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For most of us in ministry, our favorite four-letter word is “free.” Love might be at the top of your list, but “free” is at least in your top 10. While we always enjoy hearing that something is free for our personal interests, free things for ministry can excite us. We are constantly trying to balance our desire for great ministry resources with a budget that often doesn’t allow for much.
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HEALTHY CHURCH: Are You Having Spiritual Conversations?
The challenge of remaining outwardly focused is ongoing and relentless. While the natural man tends to focus on self and meeting individual needs, does this align with God’s will for His followers? Paul admonished us to “…be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is” (Eph. 5:17). Knowing God’s will is a remarkable thing. In Encounter, Gary Rohrmayer noted, “The...