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JTC Generator Project Update
By Dr. Eric Goble, Pastor • Brister Baptist Church, Emerson
Thanks to all of the churches and individuals who have responded to our recent appeal to raise funds to purchase a new generator for Just the Crumbs ministry. We have received approximately $15,000 toward the purchase price so far. However, the supplier just notified us of a $7,000 price increase, which brings the goal up to $42,000 to provide a new generator for the disaster relief ministry.
Just the Crumbs (JTC) has just ...
STAND FIRM: Gentiles Being Grafted-In Isn't Anything New
With politics, I’ve often heard that there’s not one platform agenda for Christianity. I don’t buy that, but maybe it’s easier to look at it from the opposite end — Satan has a list of platform agenda items. Throughout history, he has played the same cards over and over. Three of those items are sexual perversion, the death of children and being against Israel. He’s repeatedly employed those...