All The News|Arkansas State Missions
STATE MISSIONS: Advisory Committee Missionary Tour
Thanks to each member of the Advisory Committee that made the trip this week to visit with each missionary. We had great visits with each of our men and look forward to making some recommendations in the near future.
Please continue to pray for our missionaries and their families and that God would raise up new men to plant churches here in Arkansas.
From Our Missionaries
Misión Creciendo en Cristo (Growing in Christ), North Little Rock: Juan Carlos Posadas writes, “This Sunday, ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Is Your Bucket Filled?
My friend and ministry leader, Hal Seed, has written an excellent article on four buckets you need to make sure are always full in your spiritual life and in your ministry. In the beginning, you are pouring into your buckets, and the day is coming when you will share what you have stored. When your bucket is filled, it begins to overflow and your ministry should function out of the overflow...