All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: The Believer's Assurance
I directed a charitable golf tournament Monday, and as I interacted with the golfers, I came upon three fellows talking about the “afterlife.” One said, “I’m a believer, but I dread the Great White Throne Judgment.” I was just thinking about how many believers may have that same dread.
True Believers
There is a huge difference between being one who believes in the historic Jesus and one who trusts Jesus as personal Savior and Lord. The true believer’s hope is not an “I hope so” ...
STAND FIRM: Church, We Must Get Israel Right: Because We Haven't
I imagine, for many of you, the first article in this series was likely a surprise. I shared how Israel’s National Holocaust Museum begins with an exhibit on the foundation of the Holocaust and claims the teachings of the church laid the groundwork which eventually swelled into the horror of Hitler’s Final Solution. It may not merely be surprising, but that statement may even make you angry....