All The News|BMA of Arkansas
BMA of Arkansas Meets
The 75th annual BMA of Arkansas meeting was held Thursday and Friday, Nov. 7-8, at Central Baptist College. The theme, chosen by President Tony Crocker, was “For All the Churches” based on II Cor. 11:28.
The final Enrollment Committee report indicated there were 95 messengers enrolled, with 82 churches represented at the meeting (47 by messenger and 35 by letter only) and 18 visitors, for a total of 113 registered in attendance (though there were many other visitors for ...
GUEST EDITORIAL: One Again, the Sacred Fire of Liberty Is Preserved
By Tony Perkins Executive Editor • The Washington Stand
On Nov. 5, on election day, Americans spoke loudly and clearly to keep the American experiment alive.
A few years back, I visited the National Archives here in Washington, D.C., with a Member of Congress. We had the rare privilege of seeing some of our nation’s founding documents — papers not typically on public...