Wrapping Things Up
As we are now less than a week away from Christmas Day, it is a time when we generally look forward to spending time with family and celebrating the greatest gift ever given — Jesus!
For many of us, this time of year also brings memories of those that are no longer here to celebrate with us. I still find it hard to believe that five years ago was the last time we were able to celebrate with dad and my Grandma Stacy. So much life has been lived in those five years ...
Healthy churches reproduce. The healthiest and most biblical method of church planting is churches planting churches. In The American Church in Crisis, David Olson stated that over 600,000 churches will need to be planted by the year 2050 just to keep up with population growth and to replace the 3,000–4,000 churches that are closing their doors every year. Our vision at Healthy Church...