All The News|Arkansas State Missions
STATE MISSIONS: Send the Light!
May, June and July have been set apart as our annual Special Emphasis time for State Missions. You should have or will be receiving more information in the mail. Please use this time to invite missionaries to come to speak or to send you a note allowing them to share their ministry. Please set aside a special time to receive an offering for State Missions. Together, we can make a difference.
Faithful Servants
I had the privilege to share missions and preach at Big Creek Valley ...
CBC PROFILE: CBC Day Announced
We are grateful to the faithful churches of the BMA for partnering with CBC in helping us to carry out our mission of transforming this generation through higher education that “integrates Christian faith and academic excellence in a Christ-centered environment.” We are inspired by your faithfulness, and we encourage you to keep living out the following verses: “And let us not grow weary of...