All The News|BMA of America|WMA
National WMA Meeting
By Kelly Williams, Arkansas WMA President
The National WMA will meet on Wednesday, April 26 at Central Baptist College in the Cooper Complex, with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting starting at 9 a.m. The CBC singers will begin singing at 8:45 a.m., so you will want to get there early! We, as Arkansas WMA, will be the hostesses for the meeting and we would love to have many of you ladies there. We will announce the winner of the National Project Challenge at the ...
National Department Video Reports Available Online
In anticipation of the 2023 BMA National Meeting, the leaders of the various departments of the BMA have recorded in-depth video reports of their activity in 2022. Those can be found at These reports are intended to give the churches of the BMA and the messengers attending the national meeting details that might not be available during the...