All The News|BMA Missions
Can You Help?
By Candra Barnett, BMAA Missionary • Romania
Three duffel bags — that’s the current extent of my children’s ministry supplies on a given Sunday. But let me back up.
My name is Candra Barnett, and I am a missionary in Romania. I am working in our third church plant, and God is tremendously blessing our efforts. We had close to 40 adults and 20 children last Sunday, and we are quickly outgrowing the home we are meeting in and the children’s bedrooms that have served as our Sunday School ...
God Has Been Faithful
by Heather Harrison
Despite extreme hardships and uncertainty in Myanmar, God has been faithful to Lifeword’s global partner, Rama, in his efforts to share Jesus Christ. Since staging a coup in 2021, the military in Myanmar has carried out a brutal nationwide crackdown. This has made sharing the gospel message difficult, and many believers have been killed. Most forms of communication are...