All The News
National Brotherhood to Meet
By Mark Jones, President
The BMA of America Brotherhood will meet at Antioch Baptist Church in Conway on April 26 at 9 a.m. Our speaker will be Scott Small, the camp director at Stoneridge Baptist Camp in Smithville.
We need the men of the BMA to attend this meeting to strengthen our men’s ministry. We also need men who are willing to stand up and be an officer. Several men stepped down, and a couple more are stepping down as we speak, so we encourage other men to step up and be the ...
CLEAVER: Juxtaposition Again
Juxtaposition is the act of placing two objects side by side. In the case of this article, it has to do with two advertisements placed side by side on one billboard. This duo of billboard advertisements is on the highway I travel when I go to our town. I saw the dueling messages yesterday morning. I almost stopped but rather quickly took the next turn-around to go back to take another...