All The News|Student Ministry Matters
STUDENT MINISTRY: Signs of a Health Student Ministry: Bible-Centric
As we continue thinking about characteristics of a healthy student ministry, we want to look at our second sign, being Bible-centric. As Baptists, we are people that love the Word deeply. Bart Barber, current president of the Southern Baptist Convention, indicated on a recent Preachers and Preaching podcast that “Southern Baptists are people of the Book.” I would say that we, as BMA Baptists, can agree whole-heartedly with that statement. We are people who hold the Bible in high esteem. ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Train Others Also
Paul emphasizes training and spiritual disciplines in I Tim. 4:7: “Train yourself in godliness.” Then in verse 11, he gives us the principle of discipling others in spiritual disciplines by exhorting (commanding) us to teach them and insisting that everyone learn them. In Deep Discipleship by J. T. English, he states, “Let’s be clear: the church is cal sled to make disciples, and it is...