All The News|Spotlight On Missions
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Michael & Laura Beth Strong • Minneapolis, Minn.
• The Extreme Tour was a success — We were able to impact over 500 people throughout the process and saw our team grow in ministry gifts, including leadership.
• Worshipping together weekly —We have been meeting for over a month for worship and have been working through Galatians.
• Youth group launched — Isaiah is leading a youth group equipped to minister to kids from grades 3-8. We have regular visitors and attendees.
• Baby Eden was born — Eden Elizabeth Strong was ...
I am happy to announce that your State Missions has gotten off to a good start in 2022. We have been blessed to add three new missionaries this year and to witness some of our works growing ever closer to maturity. All the lives that are changed, souls that are saved and families spared through the work of your missionaries is a direct result of your faithful prayers and generous support of...