All The News|Spotlight On Missions
MISSIONS SPOTLIGHT: Stan & Donna Scroggins • The Philippines
From Stan — This is supposed to be summer break, but noooo… after two weeks of teaching with Dr. South, I headed to an ordination on the island of Palawan, then back to Manila and then Donna got back. Now we will focus on getting ready for school to start back on Aug. 17. Be praying for the Lees. Both Doug and Diane are delayed for some medical procedures and are set to return around the first of September. Also, thanks for inquiring about the recent earthquake. All our churches and ...
STAND FIRM: Many Will Turn Away
I’ve mentioned Matt. 24:10 a few times — it’s the heartbeat of Stand Firm because it holds a prophecy that many will turn away from the faith. That haunts me. Professed Christians, church members, friends, family, people who are dear to us and once proclaimed to be a believer will turn away.
Unfortunately, this future reality doesn’t seem too futuristic. There’s likely an empty chair or...