All The News|BMA of America
Raising Up Leaders In Romania
When our family moved to Romania, God immediately burdened my heart for the pastors and workers there — men like George Padure, Nicu Curpas, Dorine Popa and others. It was easy to see that they had hearts for service but were burning the candle at both ends. Most of them pastored three to four churches and visited each congregation once a month to observe the Lord’s Supper. I asked one of those men, George Padure, to help me find a young minister, a seminary student that we might ...
A Nation In Crisis and The Urgency for the Church
By Larry Page, Executive Director • Ark. Faith and Ethics Council
Ours is a nation in crisis, and it is serious. I happen to believe it is approaching a critical stage, if it is not there already. In any event, none of us can afford to just ignore it and think things will get better organically on their own.
You don’t need me to describe the times over the last few...