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FUTURE HEADLINES: Many Will Be Deceivers
There are two biblical warnings at the heart of Stand Firm. They are the reasons I believe followers of Christ need to be spiritual preppers. These warnings aren’t merely future possibilities but, due to the nature of Biblical prophecy, we can know with certainty these are future headlines. The events warned about will happen. They don’t have to happen to you, but they will happen to many as the warnings say.
I previously wrote about the first of these two warnings found in Matt. 24:10 — ...
STAND FIRM: Many Will Turn Away
I’ve mentioned Matt. 24:10 a few times — it’s the heartbeat of Stand Firm because it holds a prophecy that many will turn away from the faith. That haunts me. Professed Christians, church members, friends, family, people who are dear to us and once proclaimed to be a believer will turn away.
Unfortunately, this future reality doesn’t seem too futuristic. There’s likely an empty chair or...