All The News|Just Thinking
Summer Revivals and Outdoor Baptisms
I was just thinking, now that summer is upon us, about days gone by. I do that now that I am in my latter years of life. Memories are such a treasure — at least the good ones are. I want to take some of you down memory lane and others to get a glimpse of church life in yesteryear.
With each passing decade, things change in our country. The rutted old wagon trails that later became bumpy gravel roads are now paved and smooth. The days of sweltering in a hot house in the summer with only a ...
VSM: A Life-Altering Experience
By Bryan and Pam Risner • BMA Missionaries to Romania
‘“Would you lead a team to Romania?”’
I was standing in the kitchen of my house in the small town of Morrilton, when I was asked that question. My response was quick and simple: “Absolutely! I can do that with no problem.” The rest of the conversation seemed like a blur. I hung up the phone and immediately searched the map to see...