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Preaching Fanned the Flame
by Randy Shepherd, Spring Lake Baptist Church
Clif Johnson, BMAA President: We often find difficulty in making the rubber meet the road when it comes to fleshing out the theme of the national meeting. This series of articles is meant to be helpful to you in thinking of ways to make the theme of “Preaching the Word” come alive in your ministry. May the Lord richly bless you as you give His Word its rightful place.
Executive Editor’s Note: See the first two articles in this series in ...
Seven Ways Your Church Can Lead in a Post-Roe World
by Mary Holloman, The Pregnancy Network
How does the church become the safest place for women facing unplanned pregnancies in a post-Roe world? What does this look like in practice?
“If Roe is overturned, are you out of a job?”
The question didn’t surprise me. Having worked at a pregnancy resource center for nearly a decade, I’ve noticed a common theme among those of us who identify...