All The News
Yellow Blue Bus
Toya Aultman - As I’ve watched the news unfold over the past few weeks, one phrase kept coming to mind — “Yellow Blue Bus!” “Yellow Blue Bus?” you may ask yourself. Let me explain. My son went to UCA Child Study Center in Conway for a year of preschool. While he was there, his teacher, Cindy Williams, went on a mission trip to the Ukraine. She taught them by saying “yellow blue bus” in English, to Ukrainian ears, it sounds like “I love you.”
I can’t imagine what the mothers in the ...
Thoughts About Ministry in 2022
In February 2021, the Baptist Trumpet published an article titled, “Thoughts About Ministry in 2021” based on a webinar presented by Brotherhood Mutual Insurance. With attendance patterns shifting dramatically and most desperately wanting things to return to a pre-pandemic normal, church leaders were struggling and seeking insight. Brotherhood Mutual’s webinar was beneficial. The take-aways...