All The News|Arkansas State Missions
Note: If you haven’t already done so, please go see our new website at This is the landing page for all things related to our state association. From here you can also visit our new State Missions website ( by clicking on the logo or from the menu.
I dropped by Johnny and Karen Shew’s home last Tuesday night (March 1) to look over their building plans and discuss some changes along with other topics. While he decided to hold off ...
Master's Builders Complete Job #174
Rose Bittner - A small group of Master’s Builders recently met for two days at Anthony Drive Baptist Church in Ennis, Texas (Job #174). Pastor Matt Walker called the group because the church had the unique “problem” in that their Youth Department was growing too fast for the space they had to meet in! Praise God!
The Builders were asked to tear down the walls and ceiling...