All The News|Arkansas State Missions
STATE MISSIONS: Exciting Times
Monday (Jan. 24), the Advisory Committee and I met with two new candidates seeking to serve as full-time missionaries. After our time together, the committee voted to recommend them to our churches at a called meeting of the Missionary Committee. The called meeting is to be held at South City (old Temple Baptist building) next to the BMA of Arkansas building on Feb. 10 at 10 a.m. These men truly have God’s call upon their lives. Please mark your calendars for this special meeting. Just ...
Optimistic Pro-life Advocates Gather for 49th March for Life
Thousands of people braved a brisk 23-degree afternoon to gather at the National Mall for the 49th annual March for Life on Jan. 21. Protesters seemed optimistic that next year’s march may be the first to take place in a post-Roe v. Wade America. With a theme of Equality Begins in the Womb, speakers at the march...