Rejoice, and Continue The Work
by Dr. Clif Johnson, President BMA of America
On Friday morning, June 24, the people of the United States woke up to a country that no longer held abortion as a federal, constitutional right. And the people of God rejoiced.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America Doctrinal Statement declares in III.C. Man — “As the crowning work of His creation, God created humankind (male and female) in His own image (Psalm 8; Gen. 1:27, 2:7). Consequently, ...
Rejoice, and Continue The Work
by Dr. Clif Johnson, President BMA of America
On Friday morning, June 24, the people of the United States woke up to a country that no longer held abortion as a federal, constitutional right. And the people of God rejoiced.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America Doctrinal Statement declares in III.C. Man — “As the crowning work of His creation,...