All The News|Arkansas State Missions
STATE MISSIONS: Temptation — Gen. 29:1-12 (Part 2 of 3): The Warning Signs
Last week, we looked at two conditions connected to the storm of temptation. Now, let us observe the warning signs.
Statistics show couple after couple today repeatedly state that it was loneliness that drove them to adultery. Of course, that is no excuse to cheat, but we are trying to find causes. By now, husbands and wives should be aware of the danger of loneliness.
A person can eat, sleep and spend their life with someone and yet be lonely. We overlook our spouses ...
Why have a Special Emphasis? Because we have been commanded to take the gospel to those around us, as well as all over the world. I wanted to share the good news your missionaries are experiencing during these most difficult times.
First, they are seeing a slow but steady increase in the number of professions of faith and the number of people desiring to become involved in discipleship....