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STAND FIRM: The Future of America and The American Church - A Starting Point
Over the next few articles, I want to take what we can know in Scripture about the political scene at the end of the age combined with what we know about the church and look toward the future of our nation and Christianity within it. If you have followed this column for even a short time, I believe you agree that there is a lot about the end of the age we can know. No, we don’t know everything, but we can know much more than we commonly think. With this series, I want to return to the ...
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Johnny Carson hosted a television game show called “Who Do You Trust?” From a proper perspective, that is a good question: Who do you trust in your daily life?
Some may trust in their wealth to satisfy their desires, buy their way out of trouble and even offer prestige in society. It is unreliable, however, and cannot guarantee comfort or...