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MORAL ACTION: Abusing Children
“Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence” (Matt. 19:13-15).
Why Are Children Abused?
It is all because of sin, whatever the excuse. “Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked” (I Sam. 24:13). If sin is not condemned, repented of and ...
Dulaney, Retired BMA Minister Dies
Billy Burl Dulaney, 87 of Hope, passed away Feb. 12. He surrendered to preach in 1977 and began pastoring that same year. He pastored a number of churches in Arkansas, including: Patmos in Patmos, County Line in Nashville, New Liberty in Emmet, Western in Emerson and New Hope in Fouke. Bro. Dulaney’s final pastorate was Knighton’s Chapel Baptist Church in Lewisville, where he retired after...