All The News
United WMA Meets
Becky Tollison, Reporter
The United District WMA met on July 13 at Hattieville, Hattieville, with 26 in attendance and 7 churches represented. Bryson Haden, pastor of Hattieville, brought the message.
There was no old or new business. Sherry Laminack gave a Sunbeam report.
Special music was by Debbie Pearce (Each One Reach One), and our program, “Making Everlasting Smiles,” was presented by Lisa Rust. She showed us slides as she participated in BMMI Shoebox Ministry, delivering the ...
Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood Meets
By Lance Madden, Reporter
The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met on Monday, June 3, at Grace Baptist Church in Wynne for our quarterly meeting. The host church fed us a delicious homestyle meal of fried chicken with all the fixings and desserts. After the meal, we had congregational singing and special music. We had 30 present, with 7 churches represented. We collected an offering of $377...