All The News|Central Baptist College
CBC PROFILE: President's List and Dean's List
It is a pleasure to release for publication the President’s and Dean’s Lists in recognition of student academic achievement. The following lists are for the spring of 2024:
President’s List
To qualify for the President’s List, a student must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 semester hours and have earned a grade point average of 4.000 out of a possible 4.000.
Traditional Students: Baylie Ainsworth, Magnolia; Lauren Anderson, Cibolo, Texas; Anna Atwood, Little ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Planning for The New School Year
I know what you are thinking. Summer has just begun. I’m not thinking about the school year for at least two more months. Let me warn you: if you wait until then to start planning and prepping, you will be too far behind to catch up.
Teachers, coaches, band directors and others are already preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. As those who work with students, we should also...