Disciple-maker, Not Spiritual Prepper All The News|Premium Content|Stand Firm and Live Epic Disciple-maker, Not Spiritual Prepper
STAND FIRM: The Future the American Church - So, If the Church Will... All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic STAND FIRM: The Future the American Church - So, If the Church Will... This series has been looking at the future of America and the future of the church according to biblical prophecy. Of course, the church’s...
STAND FIRM: Netanyahu’s Speech to the UN - The Narrative of Scripture... All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic STAND FIRM: Netanyahu’s Speech to the UN - The Narrative of Scripture... Most Christians would agree that the storyline of the Bible continues today, but the storyline in mind would likely be just a sliver of the...
STAND FIRM: The Future of America and the American Church - So, if a... All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic STAND FIRM: The Future of America and the American Church - So, if a... This series began to look at Scripture prophecies concerning America's future and Christianity in America. As stated, there’s no prophecy...
STAND FIRM: The Future of US - Church Members All The News|Stand Firm and Live Epic STAND FIRM: The Future of US - Church Members Over the past two articles, we’ve looked at the likely future of our nation and our churches according to Bible prophecy. Regardless of the...