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STAND FIRM: Drones, UFOs or What? - A Biblical Consideration
I know this sounds strange, but I’m not even a weird guy. I don’t know why the Lord has burdened me to write about the weird stuff. I’m not even a science fiction fan. Yet, here we are, diving into one of the strangest topics yet. And for me, that’s saying a lot!
Right now, the news is buzzing (pun intended) with stories of drones, UFOs, or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) over New Jersey and elsewhere. Reports describe overwhelming numbers of unidentified objects if ...
THE POINT IS . . . What Are You Looking For This Christmas?
In Luke 2, we meet an elderly saint named Simeon. The Holy Spirit revealed to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah (Luke 2:26). Luke described Simeon as “waiting” for the Messiah to arrive (Luke 2:25). The term “waiting” signifies “looking with intensity” or a “diligent search.” This elderly saint was “searching diligently” for the coming Messiah — the Lord Jesus...