The Central Baptist College Fine Arts Department is proud to present their upcoming spring events:
• “Beauty and the Beast” (April 14 & 15) — Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” is a musicalbased on the classic Disney animated fairytale from the 1990s. Like the movie, the musical centers on a curious and intelligent young woman named Belle (Ashleigh Daugherty), who lives with her father, Maurice (Mike Woodrum), in a poor provincial village in France in the mid 1700s. The village is home to a ...
We have two dogs in our house. Claire is a Double Doodle — half labradoodle and half golden doodle. Claude is a Havapoo — half havanese and half poodle. Why do I mention these two furry freeloaders? I guess I can’t really call them that since they work with my wife in her counseling office, but they can be a pain in the neck. Weather permitting, my evenings usually include a walk with these...