All The News|Just Thinking
JUST THINKING: What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Sunday evening Karen and I attended a wonderful 5th Sunday Singing at Archview Baptist Church where our son, Cory Mitchell, is pastor. I was just thinking about how encouraging the songs were — both old and new. I pondered songs that have especially ministered to me during my life’s journey. One that came to mind was the hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”
• He’s a Friend to the Hopeless — We live in an age when, at every turn, people are on the brink of hopelessness. They have no ...
SPOTLIGHT ON MISSIONS: Joshua & Meagan Phiri • Zambia
• Spreading faith and hope in Samson and Delevu villages — We are writing to provide an update on the exciting project of constructing churches in Samson village and Delevu village. The journey thus far has been filled with hope and determination, thanks to your unwavering support and generous donations.
The construction of these churches holds huge impact for the communities in Samson and...