All The News|CBC Profile
CBC PROFILE: The Time is Now to Schedule Your CBC Day
When a farmer or an experienced gardener harvests their crops, fruits or vegetables, they do not delay in gathering their produce. We share that same type of urgent message regarding scheduling a CBC Day for Sept. 10. Your church will personally hear the recent exciting news of the intentional emphasis Central Baptist College is doing in allowing BMA students an unprecedented opportunity to attend CBC through the implementation of the BMA Promise Scholarship beginning in Fall 2023. (See ...
STUDENT MINISTRY: Stepping Up To The Plate
As youth ministers, we are often called to fill the pulpit in our churches. Pastor on vacation, Sunday evening services and youth Sundays all provide opportunities for us to preach the Word. When you aren’t the one who is preaching on a regular basis, it can be hard to step up to the plate. The desire is there, but it is still hard because it is different than speaking to the youth group on a...