All The News|Trumpet Notes
TRUMPET NOTES: June 14, 2023
Third Baby Surrendered At Benton Safe Haven Baby Box
Another newborn baby has been safely surrendered at one of Benton’s two Safe Haven Baby Boxes making it the fifth surrender in Arkansas. It is the third time a baby box has been used in Benton and the second surrender in May of this year. The first baby surrendered in Arkansas was at a Safe Haven Baby Box in May 2020 in Benton.
“Arkansas Right to Life applauds the surrender of another infant in a Safe Haven Baby Box and knows this ...
Serving the Servants: 2023 Global Care Conference
By Margaret Anderson • BMA Global
At the end of April, a decades-old dream came to fruition when our BMA missionaries and church planters from around the world came together in the same location at the same time for the same purpose. The 2023 Global Care Conference in Hot Springs was a time of spiritual renewal and fellowship for all who attended.
Stan Scroggins, who retired from...