All The News|Healthy Church Solutions
HEALTHY CHURCH: What Should I Pray For My Church?
In our newest church plant in Oradea Romania, our missionary from Brasov, Cristian Martinez, shared four things he always prays for his church plant. He opened our services in prayer and he prayed these four things for Agape as well. Having recently written a lot on prayer, allow me to encourage you again to press into prayer and find the perseverance that can only be produced in God’s secret place (Psa. 27:5; Psa. 31:20; Psa. 91:1; Matt. 6:6; Eph. 6:18). Whatever you do in the area of ...
LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Arkansas Family Council
Homeschool Bills to Watch
A bad home school testing bill has been filed at the Arkansas Legislature. HB 1587 by Rep. Jim Wooten (R/Beebe) requires home schoolers to take a nationally recognized norm-referenced test every year in order to receive any form of public funds. The way this bill is written, home schoolers in Arkansas would have to test if they receive any type of public...