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HEALTHY CHURCH: Fruitful, Lasting Ministry
The facts are in — the longer the tenure of the pastor the greater the potential for a more fruitful lasting impact. The enemy knows it and will throw up every obstacle he can to make sure it does not happen. There will be disappointments, discouragement and even some depression at times. In the tenure of a pastor, years 6-10 have been referred to as “the time of fruit and harvest.” Studies and research point to this time period as when a church is “likely to experience some of its best ...
I was just thinking about how blessed we mere humans are to have the privilege to pray to the Almighty, the Creator of all that exists. Which brings about the question, “Why do we pray?” Here are some of my thoughts on why we pray:
• To respond to Christ’s example. Apparently, the apostles had not heard Jesus pray except maybe to bless a meal, but they knew He did. Their response was,...