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STAND FIRM: End Time View - Rapture (Part 3) Contextual Ruling on the Field
The image above is the timeline I use when speaking in churches. Notice the timing of the rapture — “sometime in the final seven years.” I really don’t like dealing with the rapture because it is such a divisive subject. It also is only one aspect of the many details in the Bible about the end times, but I’ve spent the past couple of articles on it. We began by introducing the different views of the rapture timing — pretribulation, mid-tribulation, pre-wrath and post-tribulation. The names ...
CBC SPORTS UPDATE: March 8, 2022
• Columbia, Mo., Feb. 28 — Playing in their fourth American Midwest Conference (AMC) tournament final, CBC, the #3 seed, took on the #1 seeded Cougars of Columbia College (CC) at the Arena at Southwell Complex. CBC (21-10) started slow, fought back in the second half but came up just short, losing to CC (23-8) 62-53. Jalen Adams led the Mustangs in scoring with 12 points, while...