All The News
BMAA Leaders React To Roe Decision
Rejoice, and Continue The Work
by Dr. Clif Johnson, President BMA of America
On Friday morning, June 24, the people of the United States woke up to a country that no longer held abortion as a federal, constitutional right. And the people of God rejoiced.
The Baptist Missionary Association of America Doctrinal Statement declares in III.C. Man — “As the crowning work of His creation, God created humankind (male and female) in His own image (Psalm 8; Gen. 1:27, 2:7). Consequently, ...
Board of Trustee Meeting Highlights
The CBC Board of Trustees met on Friday and Saturday, June 24-25. The three standing committees of the board (Academic, Advancement and Finance) met on Friday evening to conduct business and hear recommendations from the CBC Executive Leadership Team.
The full board convened on Saturday morning. Board member Lincoln Dial opened the meeting by giving his personal testimony. All members of...