All The News|Just Thinking
Baptist Pallets, Open Windows, Funeral Home Fans and Dinner on the Ground
In recent weeks I have taken a mental stroll down memory lane, and many of our readers have taken that stroll with me. Several have shared experiences of worship from days gone by, and I appreciate each of them.
I was just thinking about some of those experiences that most today would not know about due to changes in church life over the years. In my early years, many of the church buildings, especially rural churches, consisted of one large sanctuary and maybe a couple of Sunday School ...
A Few Good Men
“Rise up, O men of God! Have done with lesser things. Give heart and soul and mind and strength to serve the King of Kings.” I remember singing that hymn when I was a kid. I remember hearing my dad singing with his deep, bass voice and watching his facial expression when he sang. I’m not sure why, but it always made me feel proud of him. It made me want to be like him. I wanted to be a strong...