This update will focus on news from our BMA Global missionaries in Asia Pacific as well as reporting on our recent Volunteer Student Missions (VSM) trip to Talisay, Philippines, and one very important opportunity to have a “dream come true” in the country of Cambodia.
While geographically expanding into multiple world regions, BMA Global Missions Asia Pacific Region includes 21 countries. With a BMA presence in 9 of these 21 countries, it is easy to see the need for more ...
• Workers in Cambodia — It is truly amazing to see God working in our lives. We wake up in the mornings and find we have much to do. God has a way of moving us out of our comfort zones and putting us in places we never thought possible.
Asia Pacific Coordinator Dr. Stan Scroggins scheduled a fact-finding trip to Cambodia, with the help of Pastor John Page, past missionary to Cambodia. This...