All The News
SHOE ON THE OTHER FOOT: “I” is for Impactful
Putting the shoe on the other foot looks kind of awkward. It is also uncomfortable and maybe painful. It has, though, its benefits. It allows us to see the whole picture — the good, the bad and the ugly. It impacts our outlook on pertinent matters, especially on the matter of being mission-minded churches.
In the first article, we began to examine the word “missionary” as an acrostic, and the M stood for “Motivated” (see the June 26, 2024 issue). As we continue, the I stands ...
BMMI in Colombia
By Margaret Anderson
In April 2024, a BMMI (Baptist Medical Missions International) team traveled to Colombia, where the group served alongside local pastors and church planters, hosting clinics in the port city of Puerto Inírida and remote villages along the Orinoco River. The main goal of BMMI is to connect people in the community to the local church, introducing people to Christ...