Who knows you best? Most of us feel like we know our spouses well enough to predict their responses and reactions most of the time. We even find ourselves, on occasion, finishing their sentences. In reality, we do not know them completely, nor do they know us completely.
Our minds and thoughts are so complex I doubt we even understand ourselves. So then, who does know us best — our very being, the good, the bad and the ugly? God does! And He loves us unconditionally.
By Madison Miller, Recording/Corresponding Secretary
The Southwest District GMA met on Saturday, Jan. 27, at College View Baptist Church in Magnolia. The theme for 2024 is “My God,” taken from John 1:12-13.
The theme for our meeting was “Waymaker,” and the verse was John 14:6.
The meeting was opened by President Lilli Medlin with the opening prayer by Valarie Fish. The welcome was...