By Lance Madden, Reporter
The Mount Vernon BMA Brotherhood met Monday, March 6, at Rondo Baptist Church in Rondo for our quarterly meeting. We had 34 members, and 18 visitors present, for a total of 52 in attendance with 10 churches represented. We collected an offering of $415 for Central Baptist College.
The host church fed us a delicious meal of catfish, chicken, all the fixings and desserts. After congregational singing led by Bernard Evans and Rose Kemmer, Paul Clardy sang “When ...
By Anthony Hoke, Historian
Arkansas Galileans held two meetings over the past few months. The first was the annual Fall Fellowship at Camp Beaverfork and the other was the Basketball Tournament Retreat at Central Baptist College.
Fall Fellowship
The Arkansas Galilean Fall Fellowship was held at Camp Beaverfork on Dec. 2-3, with three churches represented: Antioch in Conway; Grace,...