All The News|Arkansas State Missions
State Missions Day is only two weeks away. If you have not already received an offering, I encourage you to do so to enable our association to send the light into the places we have not been before.
Great Meeting
I enjoyed being with the Central Arkansas Association Brotherhood and was thankful for the time to speak on behalf of our missionaries. Thanks, men, for your generous offering to State Missions.
It’s High Time!
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble ...
HEALTHY CHURCH: Evaluating Your Ministry (Part 2) - Refocus
Ministry involves building relationships and continually reflecting on how spiritual health and maturity are progressing. Evaluation and examination of your personal walk with Christ and the church should occur on a regular basis. There are seasons and rhythms that will also enable you to refocus. This means, as a follower of Christ and a body of believers, you reset your minds and hearts to...